Global Force EMS

Business Services
  • 72 Baring street
  • Worcester, Western Cape
  • 6850
  • +27785076295

Who are we?

Global Force EMS Ambulances is a locally owned and operated emergency medical services company, and provides people with the highest level of patient care, best treatment and save transport.

Recent Activity

April 06

March 09

Healton Paulse @Global Force EMS posted the photos: 1646842434642, 1646842371391, 1646842350930, 1646842338873, 1646842314031, 1646842314031, 1646842304880, 1646842269273, 1646842251176, 1646842245331, 1646842466150 (Motor Vehicle Accidents)

3 years ago

Healton Paulse @Global Force EMS posted the photos: 1646841815896, 1646841820731 (People)

3 years ago

Healton Paulse @Global Force EMS posted the photos: 1646841584879, 1646841654831, 1646841545529 (Events)

3 years ago

Healton Paulse @Global Force EMS contributed to the wiki Profile Overview

3 years ago

Business Information

  • Owner: Slann Phillips
  • Number: +27 83 734 2738
  • Year Established: 2017

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72 Baring street
Worcester Western Cape 6850