• Grangehurst Eikendal Road
  • Helderberg, Western Cape
  • +27 (0)21 855 3625

Who are we?

Grangehurst is a specialist red wine cellar in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Although specialising in red, we also produce a dry rosé. The property known as Grangehurst was purchased by winemaker Jeremy Walker's parents in 1973. Eddie and Betty Walker emigrated from England to Cape Town, South Africa in 1952. About 21 years later they decided to move to the rural environment of Stellenbosch, and named their small farm "Grangehurst" – after Betty's childhood home "The Grange" in Birmingham, and "Hurst Close" – the name of the street in London where Eddie lived as a child. Coincidentally, "grange" means "a country house with farm buildings" and "hurst" means "on a hill" – a very apt description of Grangehurst.


Recent Activity

October 20

Community Manager @Grangehurst: Grangehurst Winery - established in 1992 - is a specialist red wine cellar on the slopes of the Helderberg Mountain. http://bit.ly/1zhG4g4

10 years ago

November 21

Jessie Lewis @Grangehurst contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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Eikendal Road
Helderberg Western Cape
+27 (0)21 855 3625