Grape Valley Engen

  • C/O N1 & Voortrekker Road
  • De Doorns, Western Cape
  • 6875
  • +27 23 356 2172

Who are we?

Grape Valley Engen is a fuel and convenience center, situated right next to the N1 at the entrance to the town of De Doorns. Hex Valley Tourism Association, De Doorns Wine House as well as the local Wimpy branch is situated on the same premises.

Recent Activity

September 03

Melanie Esterhuyse @Grape Valley Engen posted the photos: 20180614_113500, 20180712_163642, 20180614_092150, 20180614_113534, 20180618_204323 (Grape Valley Engen)

6 years ago

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C/O N1 & Voortrekker Road
De Doorns Western Cape 6875
+27 23 356 2172