
  • Bottelary Rd
  • Koelenhof, Western Cape
  • +27 (0)21 903 8203

Who are we?

Groenland has been in family ownership for three generations. The present owner and winemaker, since 1975, is Kosie Steenkamp. Kosie's son Piet joined the Groenland team in 2001 as assistant winemaker and viticulturist. The estate has achieved its status as a producer of distinguished red and white wines thanks to continuous research and development for a period of longer than 70 years. Some of the reasons for Groenlands success is because of the dedication and dynamic co-operation of the family members involved with the estate. The vineyards consists of 188 hectares, of which 152 hectares are under vine. We produce approximately 70% red and 30% white cultivars. The vineyards deliver more than 1250 tons of grapes every year.


Recent Activity

November 19

Jessie Lewis @Groenland contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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