Herb Shop at Museum Church

  • 41 Long Street
  • Montagu, Western Cape
  • 6720
  • +023 614 1950

Who are we?

The Indigenous Medicinal Plant Garden behind Joubert Huis is a must to visit. Over the past 22 years the museum has been researching and recording the rich history and traditional uses of medicinal plants in the Montagu district, passed down by the Khoikhoi, San and settler farmers from Europe. The garden contains more than 120 plants that have been researched and published in Herbal Remedies of Montagu Museum. These Herbal remedies and Herbal teas is now available to purchase at the Herb Shop. Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 – 16:30. Sat & Sun: 10:30 - 12:30.

Recent Activity

September 17

Janice Scheckter @Herb Shop at Museum Church: This place is pretty incredible - indigenous practices through herb cures and the first herb festival is in October.

5 years ago • 1 comment

anneline mohammedt photo

anneline mohammedt @Herb Shop at Museum Church in reply to Janice Scheckter: Thank you for stopping by. We hope to see you all at SA's First ever Herbfest.

5 years ago

September 16

Amy Rise @Herb Shop at Museum Church posted a photo: Taking it back to basics (Places)

5 years ago

Amy Rise @Herb Shop at Museum Church: If alternative medicine is your thing, this is the place just for you

5 years ago

Amy Rise @Herb Shop at Museum Church posted a photo: An important part of our heritage and history. The cures our Khoi San ancestors passed on & shared (Places)

5 years ago

Amy Rise @Herb Shop at Museum Church posted a photo: Natural solutions for every ailment you can think of (Places)

5 years ago

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41 Long Street
Montagu Western Cape 6720
+023 614 1950