Hex Valley Golf Club

Sports & Recreation
  • Laserene Cresent
  • De Doorns, Western Cape
  • 6875
  • +27 23 356 3379

Who are we?

Hex Valley Golf Club is an important facility for the sporting and recreational activities of the local community. This well established and maintained 9-hole golf course and club was established in 1992 by local farmers. Golf is very popular in the valley and the club has a healthy membership and enjoys enormous support from the local community. The large club house is well equipped to cater for the needs of conferencing, individual members as well as the tournaments regularly hosted by the club.

Recent Activity

August 01

Melanie Esterhuyse @Hex Valley Golf Club scheduled ASV Dag / ASV Day

1 year ago

Melanie Esterhuyse @Hex Valley Golf Club scheduled Hexvallei Junior Ope / Hex Valley Junior Open

1 year ago

Melanie Esterhuyse @Hex Valley Golf Club scheduled Hexvallei Gholf Ope / Hex Valley Golf Open

1 year ago

Melanie Esterhuyse @Hex Valley Golf Club scheduled Koop en Bou Gholf Dag / Koop en Bou Golf Day

1 year ago

Melanie Esterhuyse @Hex Valley Golf Club scheduled HOS Gholf Dag / HOS Gholf Day

1 year ago

September 04

Melanie Esterhuyse @Hex Valley Golf Club posted the photos: club house and green, club house stoep, 20170420_170438, 20180123_084809, 20160810_155356, 20160810_155230, club interior 3, club interior 1, club interior 2 (Hex Valley Golf Club)

6 years ago

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Laserene Cresent
De Doorns Western Cape 6875
+27 23 356 3379