- 3A Voortrekker Street
- De Doorns, Western Cape
- 6875
- +27 73 238 2026
- info@hexrivervalley.co.za
Who are we?
- Welcome to De Doorns! Nestled between the Hex River and Kwadouw Mountain ranges, the Hex River Valley is known as the gateway to the Cape. Conveniently settled right next to the N1 at the main entrance to De Doorns, Hex Valley Tourism is the information hub. Stationed in De Doorns Wine House, on the same premises as Grape Valley Engen and the local Wimpy, this surely is a One-Stop must for travellers. So, whether you’re just looking for a spot to freshen up or in search of information regarding extreme outdoor challenges, tranquil settings, or planning a romantic break-away, we'll keep you informed! Office Hours: Mon. - Fri., 08:00 - 17:00; Saturday, 08:00 - 14:00. Closed on Sundays and public holidays.
Recent Activity
September 05
Melanie Esterhuyse @Hex Valley Tourism Association posted the photos: DWC3, 20180831_143921, 20180903_143223 (Hex Valley Tourism Association)
7 years ago
3A Voortrekker Street
De Doorns Western Cape 6875
+27 73 238 2026
De Doorns Western Cape 6875
+27 73 238 2026