Hicks Art Gallery

  • 9 Joubert Street
  • Montagu, Western Cape
  • 6720
  • +023 614 2961

Who are we?

The artist Richard Hickman from Montagu (South Africa) is fast becoming a revered name in the art community. Working mostly in watercolours, but also using pastels, oils and mixed media, this unusual artist delves into a fascinating world of fantasy and fugue. His paintings are generally bright and humorous but beneath much of it lies a satirical undertone. He deliberately defies convention by combining odd colours and often places shadows where they should not be. With an artistic grace, Hick's paintings show a huge diversity while all the time retaining his unique mark and abstract vision. The free movement of lines and easy brush technique shows the dynamic connection he has with his subject. The fact that he has had no formal training has allowed him total freedom of spirit, which is evident in most of his work. With a magical array of contemporary, landscape and abstract pieces up on display in his beautiful art gallery/converted home in Montagu, South Africa, this is truly a tal

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9 Joubert Street
Montagu Western Cape 6720
+023 614 2961