Innovation for the Blind

  • 132 Church Street, Worcester
  • Worcester, Western Cape
  • 6850
  • +023 347 2745

Who are we?

The institute for the blind has been catering for the needs of blind, deafblind, partially sighted and blind persons with additional disabilities of all ages since 1881 through the provision of education, training and medical care in a supported working and living environment on the premises.

Recent Activity

December 10

Barbara Janse van Rensburg @Innovation for the Blind posted the photos: JP2A7117, Joseph Matheatau, SA first blind barista, Tactile Fossil Trail, JPU_7999, JPU_7945, JPU_7830 (Places)

6 years ago

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132 Church Street, Worcester
Worcester Western Cape 6850
+023 347 2745