Johan Coetzee Kuns Gallery

  • 71 Plein Street
  • Stellenbosch
  • 7600
  • +021 886 5656

Who are we?

Our gallery is well established for 24 years and well-known by art lovers country wide. We specialise in original paintings by South African masters and other well-known South African artists. We are also the exclusive stockist in the Cape Town area of wooden and ceramic birds by Feathers of Knysna. We also sell bronze sculptures by the well-known sculptor Llewellyn Davies as well as beautiful pottery by among others Hennie Meyer, Charmaine Haines and Tania Babb. Look no further than our gallery for beautiful prints, cards and postcards. Last but not the least we are also known for our professional services, such as framing, for many years.

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