Joubert House

  • 25 Long Street
  • Montagu, Western Cape
  • 6720
  • +023 614 1774

Who are we?

Hours: Mon - Fri 09:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 16:30. Sat & Sun 10:30 - 12:30 Jouberthuis is the oldest house in Montagu. It was built by a young man, Pieter Gideon Joubert, who was in his early 20’s when he built the house for his parents. It was built on a portion of the farm Uitvlucht, which later developed to become the town of Montagu. The house was built with sun-dried bricks in what today is popularly termed the “Cape Dutch” style. It belonged to the Joubert Family for most of its existence as a residential dwelling, but did change hands in later years though., Jouberthuis was very nearly destroyed in the big flood of 1981 and was it not for the intervention of the then Board of Trustees of the Museum, it was on the brink of being demolished. The Curator, Members of the Board of Trustees and the community went to great lengths to collect enough funds to restore the building managed to proudly restore it to its full and former glory. Some well known figures in the history of Sout

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25 Long Street
Montagu Western Cape 6720
+023 614 1774