Kikka at Laborie Sentrum

Food & Dining
  • 43 Main Street
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)21 863 1184

Who are we?

In the warm heart of Paarl resides our colourful coffee shop and deli. Kikka’s heart beats to the rhythm of Paarl’s pulse: this is where you come to mingle with the locals over a cup of aromatic coffee and a slice of our homemade cake. You can also stay for a delicious breakfast or lunch, buy some beautiful flowers or pop in to get a birthday gift.

Recent Activity

July 28

Lorenzo Samuels @Kikka at Laborie Sentrum scheduled Local Folk Talks

8 years ago

February 21

Lorenzo Samuels @Kikka at Laborie Sentrum posted the photos: Kikka 2, Kikka Laborie, Kikka Laborie Sentrum (Kikka Laborie Sentrum)

8 years ago

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43 Main Street
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+27(0)21 863 1184