Kleine Zalze Wines

  • Strand Road (R44)
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • +27 21 880 0717

Who are we?

Kleine Zalze is just 3 km outside Stellenbosch and forms part of the De Zalze Wineland and Golf Estate. It combines outstanding winemaking and hospitality with leisure and pleasure.

Kleine Zalze wine and glass.jpg

Recent Activity

June 28

Mbali Buthelezi @Kleine Zalze Wines posted the photos: Kleine, Kleine 1, Kleine 3, Kleine 2, Kleine 5, Kleine 4 (Something Interesting)

8 years ago

October 16

Janice Scheckter @Kleine Zalze contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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Strand Road (R44)
Stellenbosch Western Cape
+27 21 880 0717