Kleinebosch Olive Farm Guesthouse

  • Olyvenbosch Road
  • Wellington, Western Cape
  • 7655
  • +27 (0)84 512 9863

Who are we?

Piet and Pat Potgieter welcome you to their self-catering guest farm accommodation in historic Wellington, South Africa. In a 300 year old village, with almost no traffic, only 60 minutes outside of Cape Town. In a pine grove, on an olive farm on the border of a nature reserve. We are just 80 km or 1 hour away from Cape Town. Accommodation in a comfortable fully equipped three bedroom house and two one-bedroom guest apartments on our olive farm; 7 km from Wellington situated in mountainous area bordering a nature reserve. Enjoy the view, fresh air, clean water and long hikes. Each unit has basic modern cooking facilities including bar fridge. Bedding is provided. We also have a private secluded swimming pool to cool you down after a long hike.

Recent Activity

December 19

Sunè Samuels @Kleinebosch Olive Farm Guesthouse posted the photos: 9388_P1040615, 9388_P1040616, 9388_P1040620, 9388_P1040621, 9388_P1040628, 9388_P1040632, 9388_P1040641, 9388_P1040644, 9388_P1040610 (Places)

6 years ago

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Olyvenbosch Road
Wellington Western Cape 7655
+27 (0)84 512 9863