Kleinplasie Bistro & Farm Stall

Food & Dining
  • Kleinplasie, Worcester, 6850
  • Worcester, Western Cape
  • 6850
  • +023 347 0091

Who are we?

Escape the city, town, traffic and other hustle and bustle and come enjoy a delicious breakfast or traditional lunch – our roosterkoekeare delicious! Fill up your pantry with products from our farmstall. We stock a variety of locally farmed and produced goods

Recent Activity

December 10

Barbara Janse van Rensburg @Kleinplasie Bistro & Farm Stall posted the photos: Bistro 5, Bistro 2, Bistro 3, Bistro 1 (Places)

6 years ago

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Kleinplasie, Worcester, 6850
Worcester Western Cape 6850
+023 347 0091