Kyburg Boutique Wine Estate

  • Devon Valley Road,
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • 7613
  • +27 (0)21 865 2876

Who are we?

Kyburg is a family owned Boutique Wine Estate situated in the picturesque Devon Valley, near Stellenbosch. Owners Fred and Rosmarie Ruest bought the farm in 1998, replanted the vineyard with red cultivars, and have been producing award winning red wines since 2006. Many experts believe the Devon Valley to be one of South Africa’s prime areas for producing exceptional red wines. The gentle rolling hills of the valley allows for good penetration of the cool early-morning sunlight which is vital in ensuring the highest quality grapes. The wine estate is located in ideal proximity to the coast, providing the necessary coolness and airflow during the warm summer months.


Recent Activity

November 18

Jessie Lewis @Kyburg contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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