La Nassa Italian Restaurant

Food & Dining
  • 172 Malan stasie Road
  • Wellington, Western Cape
  • 7655
  • +021 020 1619/072 607 9275

Who are we?

La Nassa is our restaurant. Our origins, Italy, Sicily and Pantelleria island inspire our menu, the way we use the fresh and biologic ingredients. We cook as our grand ma were use to cook. We create unique taste and visual experiences. La Nassa is a tool for fisherman to catch fish, especially lobsters and shellfish. We offer lunches and dinners, on our balcony or inside in the big room with a fireplace.

Recent Activity

January 04

Sunè Samuels @La Nassa Italian Restaurant posted the photos: Bacio Pantesco, La Nassa @ Sebisa(Restaurant) .jpeg, Pasta venison bolgnese sauce, Spaghetti alla Norma, Spaghetti Scoglio, Spaghetti with calamari and squid ink, Tuna ceviche (Places)

6 years ago

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172 Malan stasie Road
Wellington Western Cape 7655
+021 020 1619/072 607 9275