Lateganskop Cellar

  • R43
  • Rawsonville, Western Cape
  • 6845
  • +023 355 1719

Who are we?

For five generations winemaking has been at the centre of our family. Today, more than 150 years later, we are still building on this rich heritage and we invite you to share in this by enjoying our wines and visiting us at Lateganskop Cellar. Lateganskop is situated on the R43 that runs from the Breedekloof area to the town of Wellington. The winery was built in 1969 by Willem Lategan, affectionately remembered as Oupa Willie. Since Oupa Willie passed away at the age of 102, the cellar is now owned by five of his family members, all Lategans. Wines such as Chenin Blanc, Semillon, Riesling and Colombar and other red wines include Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Ruby Cabernet are produced. We are currently upgrading our cellar to include a permanent wine tasting centre. Until this is complete, wine tasting is available by prior arrangement

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Rawsonville Western Cape 6845
+023 355 1719