Lazanou Cow Shed Cottage

  • 19 Oakdene Rd
  • Wellington, Western Cape
  • 7655
  • +0832656341/ 0723454658

Who are we?

Lazanou Organic Vineyards is situated in the picturesque Wellington valley approximately a 45 minute drive from Cape Town, South Africa. It is one of the smallest wine farms in South Africa and the full extent of the farm is 8.48 hectares, of which 5.54 hectares are under vineyards. The rest of the farm includes a cow and sheep pasture, a few small olive groves, a fruit orchard, an earth dam, a bird sanctuary, various buildings and a number of biodiversity zones. Lazanou Organic Vineyards is a fully certified organic farm. No herbicides, pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used on the farm. Compost is produced on the farm using our own cow manure, earthworms and organic materials from the farm. Snails are controlled by their ducks and chickens. The farm is a way of life for the owners Josef Lazarus, Candice Stephanou and their two children, Noah and Hannah. They live a relatively self-sustainable life style. Their Jersey cow produces the milk that is use to make butter and cheese

Recent Activity

May 22

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19 Oakdene Rd
Wellington Western Cape 7655
+0832656341/ 0723454658