Le Bonheur Guest Accommodation

  • 60a Meul Street McGregor
  • McGregor , Western Cape
  • 6708
  • +023 625 1908

Who are we?

Le Bonheur Guest Accommodation McGregor is situated in the quaint little village of McGregor which is near Robertson in the Western Cape. The village of McGregor is a 2 hour drive from Cape Town and regardless which route you choose, you will be enthralled by the stunning mountain and vineyard views en route. As you enter the village you will notice the thatched roofs and white-washed walls of the Cape Cottages which is the recommended style of architecture in the village. Most of the roads in the village are not tarred and there are no robots or franchise businesses but you will be pleasantly surprised to discover that McGregor is not a sleepy little village! There are lots of hidden gems to discover as you chat to the locals out for an evening stroll or relaxing in one of the coffee shops.

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60a Meul Street McGregor
McGregor Western Cape 6708
+023 625 1908