Le Bonheur Guest Accommodation

  • 60a Meul / Millstreet
  • McGregor, Western Cape
  • 6708
  • 236251908 / 0846751164

Who are we?

Le Bonheur is the perfect short-stay bed-and-breakfast choice for couples or singles visiting McGregor as tourists, wedding guests, family occasions or needing to "get away from it all"! The two light and airy guest suites are well insulated against the summer heat but beautifully warm during cold winter snaps.

Recent Activity

June 10

Jennifer Johnson @Le Bonheur Guest Accommodation posted the photos: 18893205_10206989428854315_1010874320654509886_n, 18921935_10206989427814289_7071668027493110710_n, 18922088_10206989429814339_7577998499408512938_n, 18951190_10206989429294326_5990013223680086397_n, 18882224_10206989428254300_6541911918347500147_n (Wacky Wine Weekend on the Ceres Railway Steam Train)

7 years ago

Jennifer Johnson @Le Bonheur Guest Accommodation posted the photos: IMG_1609, IMG_1613, IMG_1615, IMG_1608 (Wacky Wine Weekend on the Ceres Railway Steam Train)

7 years ago

Jennifer Johnson @Le Bonheur Guest Accommodation posted the photos: DSC07063, DSC07081, DSC07082, DSC07083, DSC07084, DSC07085, DSC07072, DSC07047 (Beautiful proteas to behold in our area)

7 years ago

Jennifer Johnson @Le Bonheur Guest Accommodation posted a photo: The MAC Project info logo (Poetry in McGregor)

7 years ago

Jennifer Johnson @Le Bonheur Guest Accommodation posted a photo: MPF-Poster-2017 (Poetry in McGregor)

7 years ago

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60a Meul / Millstreet
McGregor Western Cape 6708
236251908 / 0846751164