Lord's Wines

  • Voortrekker Street
  • McGregor, Western Cape
  • 6708
  • +023 625 1265

Who are we?

High up on the northern slopes of the mountains surrounding Robertson in the fertile McGregor valley lays Lord’s Wines cradled amidst fynbos and Proteas. At 500m above sea level, the vineyards are the highest in the Robertson valley enjoying a climate which is cooler than most and making it suitable for producingPinot Noir and our other award winning wines from specially selected cultivars.

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Business Information

  • Owner: Lord Wines 023 625 1265 We are open for wine tastings and sales, 7- days a week 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Year Established: 2006

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Voortrekker Street
McGregor Western Cape 6708
+023 625 1265