- Westland Estate, Orchard
- De Doorns, Western Cape
- +27 71 656 0437
- loveys@hexvallei.co.za
Who are we?
- Loveys Butchery is a boutique style butchery situated amongst the vineyards on a working table grape farm at Westland Farm in Orchard, 7km from De Doorns. The top quality meat and excellent customer service distinguish this butchery from others in the region and have assisted them to establish a discerning clientele in and beyond the Hex River Valley. Arriving at Loveys to shop in a farm setting is delightful as there is shady parking directly in front of the neat white butchery which has simple and effective branding. Stepping inside is a satisfying customer experience as the good range of choice cuts of top quality meat and custom made meat delicacies on display in the glass fronted counter at Loveys are a feast for the eye. There are also several fridges with frozen meat products which further extend the range of quality products on offer. The professional staff at Loveys provide efficient and friendly customer service. Opening hours: Mo. – Fri.; 07:30 – 17:30.
Recent Activity
March 14
Melanie Esterhuyse @Loveys Butchery posted the photos: Loveys-exterior-with-shady-parking, Loveys-people, LoveysButchery, Loveys-display-counter, Owner-Stephan-Jacobs, Stephan-at-right-serving-clients-at-the-freezers, LoveysStaffmembers, Meat-for-sale-at-Loveys (Loveys Butchery)
6 years ago
September 06
Mongezi Sobende @Loveys Butchery posted the photos: LoveysMeat1, LoveysMeat3, LoveysFreshProduce1 (Loveys Butchery)
7 years ago
Business Information
- Owner: Stephan Jacobs
- Year Established: 2002
De Doorns Western Cape
+27 71 656 0437