Mantis Owners Collection - Brookdale Estate

  • Brookdale Estate, Hawequa Bos
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 27 (0)83 677 7961

Who are we?

Enjoy a private getaway at Brookdale Estate, the exclusive villa nestled between the mountains of Paarl and is always closed to the public. Offering guests, the rare chance to enjoy 80 hectares of the working wine farm all to themselves. The vineyard has been replanted from vines with a superior heritage from France. The bedrooms are designed with high ceilings offering spacious comfort in the 5 large bedrooms, all equal in size, with only the Master Suite offering extra space with a separate dressing room. The gardens have been designed by Franchesca Watson, a landscape artist with a global reputation who is also currently building gardens in Florence, Italy and New Zealand.

Recent Activity

July 26

Wilandre Johnson @Mantis Owners Collection (Brookdale Estate) posted the photos: B46144a-320x180, Brookdale45494a-320x180, B46011a-320x180, B46057a-320x180 (Mantis Owners Collection)

5 years ago

Wilandre Johnson @Mantis Owners Collection (Brookdale Estate) posted the photos: B34976-1-320x180, B35018-1-320x180, B34966-1-320x180, B34976-1-320x180, 93A9274-2-320x180, 93A9270-2-320x180 (Mantis Owners Collection)

5 years ago

Wilandre Johnson @Mantis Owners Collection (Brookdale Estate) posted the photos: 93A9469-2-e1561384767957-320x180, 93A0028a-320x180, 93A0127a-320x180, 93A0028a-320x180, 93A0039-320x180 (Mantis Owners Collection)

5 years ago

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