Meinert Wines

  • Devon Crest Vineyards Devon Valley
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • +27 021 865 2363

Who are we?

My family’s footprint in Africa over the last century has been in printing, not wine. We therefore do not have a centuries-old wine heritage or a Cape Dutch house with which to boast but over the last few years I have enjoyed discovering interesting family stories that I was able to use in developing our wine story. Our logo and other symbols as well as labels and even wine names have borrowed from our short but rich printing history in Namibia. I too was a journalist before becoming a winemaker, 26 years ago. Devon Crest Vineyards is the spot where I continue to live out my dreams and express myself.

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Recent Activity

November 18

Jessie Lewis @Meinert Wines contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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Devon Valley
Stellenbosch Western Cape
+27 021 865 2363