Mountain and Moon Bistro

Food & Dining
  • Frater Square, 40A Main Road
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)21 863 0740

Who are we?

Mountain and Moon Bistro is a retail store which also offers a restaurant experience.

Recent Activity

October 15

Wilandre Johnson @Mountain and Moon Bistro posted the photos: M&M_SOCIAL MEDIA ROLLOUT TEMPLATE_FACEBOOK SHARED IMAGE 1, 50304802_386090768629970_7777058147196017857_n, 49497932_342302609692573_8919663164826651990_n, 47694702_610738546036095_6990728269356833150_n, Rectangle-4, 46722772_932190147168660_8304666163451071402_n (Mountain and Moon)

4 years ago

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Frater Square, 40A Main Road
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+27(0)21 863 0740