Meridian Wine Merchants

Wine Merchant
  • 17 Spartan Crescent Eastgate Ext 3 Woodmead
  • Johannesburg, Gauteng
  • +27 (0)11 531 4700

Who are we?

"Meridian Wine Merchants is a company of dedicated people, committed to the outstanding wines that we represent with a focused approach to wine sales, marketing and distribution. We take pride in our service levels and aim to meet the needs of our customers with excellence at all times. We always follow the path of creativity, innovation and vision, ensuring our business edge and reputation as a leading wine sales, marketing and distribution company in South Africa. Most importantly, Meridian must be a great company to work for and it must always be a pleasure to do business with us."

Recent Activity

September 16

Community Manager @Meridian Wine Merchants contributed to the wiki Profile Overview

10 years ago

September 11

Community Manager @Meridian Wine Merchants contributed to the wiki Profile Spotlight

10 years ago

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Some of our wines

Ernie logo.jpg

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