
  • Koelpark R101 Old Paarl Road
  • Koelenhof, Western Cape
  • +27 (0)21 988 6960

Who are we?

The name M'hudi (pronounced "moody") is derived from the Setswana word, "Mohudi" meaning "Harvester".It is also the name given to a heroine of a great African story. M'hudi fled her war-ravaged village in search of a new beginning. The story is one of courage, determination against seemingly impossible odds and the relentless pursuit of one's dreams and aspirations. The Rangaka Family are the founders of the M'hudi Brand and the main characters in the M'hudi Wines adventure. he story of how M’Hudi Wines came into existence is almost as remarkable as their wines. The members of the Rangaka family were inspired to venture into the world of viticulture despite not knowing anything about wine-making. In a leap of faith, they purchased a farm, moved across the country and left their professions to begin a new life in the beautiful valleys of Stellenbosch.


Recent Activity

November 20

Jessie Lewis @M'hudi contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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R101 Old Paarl Road
Koelenhof Western Cape
+27 (0)21 988 6960