Monk's Gin

Food & Dining
  • Tierkop Farm no 208, Kleinberg
  • Breerivier, Western Cape
  • 6858
  • +082 455 9812

Who are we?

In a secluded Breede Valley sanctum, a lone monk hunches over his bench, cackling quietly to himself. Devotion to the lost art of alchemy can drive a man mad, but Brother Nicholas remains stoic in his pursuit of a fresh miracle. Oh, the things he’s seen, concocting and conjuring and staring into the void, all in the name of unearthing the supernatural, the curious and the sublime... MONKS gins are handcrafted and double-distilled in small batches using a hybrid artisanal still called ‘Jennifer’, named after Nic’s mother and of Nic’s own design. Expect intensely flavour-forward botanicals, nine of them hand-picked and many endemic to the area. Combine with crystal-clear mountain waters and the result is a heavenly one. Featuring ripples of citrus, berries and Cape buchu, our gins are designed for immaculate consumption.

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