Mont du Toit Kelder

  • Blouvleiweg
  • Wellington, Western Cape
  • 7655
  • +27 (0)21 873 7745

Who are we?

Wine farming is a du Toit tradition, and members of the family have been wine farming for more than 300 years in the Cape. The French Huguenot founder of the family established a farm near what is now Wellington in 1691, then a wild, untamed land abounding in game, and planted the first vines in the area. Stephan du Toit, who has had Mont du Toit since 1996, continues that tradition, inspired by Stephan's childhood memories of his father's wine farm. His father, also a trained lawyer, had in turn inherited his love of the vine from his childhood in the Swartland. Notwithstanding his city work place, he would rise at four, often with Stephan, to visit his vineyards on the outskirts of Stellenbosch.

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Wellington Western Cape 7655
+27 (0)21 873 7745