Mooiplaas Wine Estate and Private Nature Reserve

  • Mooiplaas Bottelary Road
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • +27 (0)21 903 6273

Who are we?

Set among the majestic mountains and fertile valleys in the Stellenbosch Winelands, Mooiplaas Wine Estate & Private Nature Reserve boasts a pristine natural beauty. The vineyards lie between two oceans on steep slopes of ancient mineral-rich soils in the cool, sunny Bottelary Hills of Stellenbosch. Here the Roos family produces a range of environmentally friendly wines rooted in tradition and artisan techniques that make the most of the unique terroir. Mooiplaas is a historic and traditional working wine estate, owned and managed by the Roos Family who are celebrating 50 years on the farm this year (2013). Mooiplaas was bought by Nicolaas Roos in 1963. He was joined by his two sons Tielman, viticulturist, (1980) and Louis, winemaker (1983). The history of the farm dates back to 1806, with the Manor House on the estate - a national monument - a rare example of Cape Dutch architecture.


Recent Activity

November 20

Jessie Lewis @Mooiplaas contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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Bottelary Road
Stellenbosch Western Cape
+27 (0)21 903 6273