Mountainia Inn Self-Catering

  • 22 Heyn Street, Bergsig
  • Worcester, WC
  • 6850
  • +023 342 1892

Who are we?

Mountainia Inn Self Catering is conveniently situated 2 km from the N1 in Worcester close to the Mountain Mill Mall and Golden Valley Casino. Offering a well designed 3 bedroomed double story home in the heart of Worcester suited for your holiday or short stay needs. Accommodation can be booked per room for two people or as a complete unit for up to six people. Mountainia Inn is an owner-run self catering unit. We offer you clean and tranquil accommodation, providing you with tea, coffee and rusks. Upon early requests, guest can order homemade biscuits, samoosas and traditional Indian Cuisine at an additional fee.

Recent Activity

May 23

December 10

Barbara Janse van Rensburg @Mountainia Inn Self-Catering posted the photos: 18, 30, 11, 2 (Places)

6 years ago

Business Information

  • Owner: Sam & Rosa Govender
  • Year Established: 2008

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22 Heyn Street, Bergsig
Worcester WC 6850
+023 342 1892