Nanette Ranger

Business Services
  • 3 Laborie St, Courtrai
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +083 286 1297

Who are we?

Nanette Ranger has been practicing art for the past 30 years. She specialises in sculpting and her sculptures can be viewed at Giovanni’s, Laborie Wine Estate or at her sculpture studio in Courtrai, Paarl (booking essential for studio visits). Her work varies in size from small, bird sized sculptures, to 3m high figures. Her work is primarily aligned with environmental issues and themes and the interplay between those themes and humanity. The Nanette Ranger Art School was established in 2000 and continues to provide classes in Sculpture, Pottery, Painting and Printing to students young and old. She is also the founding member and chairperson of the Paarl Art Society.

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