National Institute for the Deaf

  • 30 De la Bat Road, Roux Park
  • Worcester, WC
  • 6850
  • +023 342 5555

Who are we?

Founded in 1881, the National Institute for the Deaf is a Non-profit company and a registered Public Benefit Organisation, delivering and offering a diverse range of Deaf-accessible, quality services to the Deaf for 137 years. NID is the only facility in South Africa offering a full spectrum of services for Deaf persons from infancy to old age. The Institute has become world renowned for programmes that empower persons with a diversity of hearing loss to become self-supporting citizens. Services to the Deaf and persons with hearing loss include: NID Training, NID Business Training units, NID Integrated Support Services, NID Care (Adults with multiple disabilities & Elderly Deaf).

Recent Activity

December 10

Barbara Janse van Rensburg @National Institute for the Deaf posted the photos: NID Deaf Market, NID Training, Banner - We support, SASL Training, NID Nursery, NID Salon (Places)

6 years ago

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30 De la Bat Road, Roux Park
Worcester WC 6850
+023 342 5555