Olive Stone Farm

  • Church street
  • Montagu, Western Cape
  • 6720
  • +082 686 6682

Who are we?

Olive Stone Farm is a small, charming farm located in the centre of Montagu town in the Western Cape. What the farm lacks in size and history it more than makes up for in its warmth, character, beauty and attention to detail.hat was once simply a piece of land populated with olive trees, is now a working farm that is home to 3 wonderful stone guest cottages, a hand-packed stone barn and animal kraal, a thriving vegetable garden, natural, stone swimming pools, cows, chickens and sheep, and even a tamed guinea fowl or two.Olive Stone Farm produces its own delicious olive oil, bottled olives(when available), vegetables (guests are welcome to make use of the vegetable and salad garden), lamb and eggs.

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Business Information

  • Owner: Wanda and Johan
  • Number: +27 83 271 0244

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Church street
Montagu Western Cape 6720
+082 686 6682