Olsen Private Vineyards

  • Keerweder Road, Klein Drakenstein
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • +021 862 3653/ 084 576 0310

Who are we?

The vineyards are nestled between the Klein Drakenstein mountains and receive good doses of African sunshine. Excellent winemaking occurs on a historical piece of land in this region, as the land was once home to hundreds of Italian POW's in 1945 who were instrumental in the construction of the Du Toitskloof pass. The Italians erected a wooden cross to commemorate their time in the Klein Drakenstein area, wich was later replaced by a stainless steel one, to honor the POWs. This landmark can be seen from our property.

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Keerweder Road, Klein Drakenstein
Paarl Western Cape
+021 862 3653/ 084 576 0310