• 84 Dorp Street
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • 7600
  • +27 (0)21 887 0797

Who are we?

The historic oak lined Dorp Street in the centre of Stellenbosch is ideal for a stroll to take in the beauty and charm of this winelands town. While in Dorp Street, its worth popping in at Oom Samie se Winkel (Uncle Sam’s Store) to browse through their interesting collection of gifts, antiques, nuts, sweet treats and wines.

Recent Activity

September 11

Mark Greeff @Oom Samie Se Winkel: Strange iconic old school shop where you are not allowed to take pics 🤔

5 years ago

August 27

Lorenzo Samuels @Oom Samie Se Winkel posted the photos: Oom-Samie-Se-Winkel-IV, Oom-Samie-Se-Winkel-IV2 (Places)

5 years ago

August 15

Lorenzo Samuels @Oom Samie Se Winkel posted the photos: Oom-Samie-se-Winkel-Stellenbosch360(2), Oom-Samie-se-Winkel-Stellenbosch360 (Something Interesting)

5 years ago

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84 Dorp Street
Stellenbosch Western Cape 7600
+27 (0)21 887 0797