Oudekloof Tractor Ride

  • Twee Jonge Gezellen Road
  • Tulbagh, Western Cape
  • 6820
  • +082 440 9459

Who are we?

Scenic tractor ride up the historic Oudekloof pass with interesting stops along the way. Enjoy breath-taking views of the Tulbagh valley and the Swartland.

Oudekloof Tractor Ride

Recent Activity

August 13

Maddenia Davis @Oudekloof Tractor Ride posted the photos: Oudekloof 4, Oudekloof 2, Oudekloof 3, Oudekloof 1 (Something Interesting)

3 years ago

Maddenia Davis @Oudekloof Tractor Ride contributed to the wiki Profile Message

3 years ago

Business Information

  • Owner: Andrew Jaeger

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Twee Jonge Gezellen Road
Tulbagh Western Cape 6820
+082 440 9459