Paarl Boys' High Museum

  • 232 Main Road
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)21 872 2835

Who are we?

The Paarl Boys High Museum opened its doors in 2017. It has been a project that formed part of the school’s 150th birthday celebrations taking place in 2018 and it is a showcase of the school’s rich history and traditions since 1868. The museum is home to a collection of artifacts and memorabilia and it showcases an interactive display of the school’s history of the past 150 years. The museum endeavours to maintain a good balance of all the role players involved in the school’s history. To enjoy the museum to its full extent, visitors are advised to put time aside to walk through the numerous and various displays. Well known architect, Christof Albertyn, drew up the plans for the renovation of the Berlyn building and Rinus van der Sluys was the project manager. The museum honours old Paarl Boys High scholars from all over the world and stands as a token of gratitude to their contributions and achievements towards the school. The museum grants access to digitized Year Books.

Recent Activity

August 22

Lorenzo Samuels @Paarl Boys' High Museum scheduled 150 Year Celebration Auction

7 years ago

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232 Main Road
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+27(0)21 872 2835