• c/o Oudebrug & OudePont Street, Industrial Park
  • Wellington, Western Cape
  • 7655
  • +021 873 3101

Who are we?

Pacmar began operating in February 1997. Situated on the outskirts of Wellington in the Western Cape, Pacmar can be described as a contract packaging company, and is currently packaging for the larger brands in the local and international markets. Various registered brand products are produced and packed including wine, fruit juice and other liquid beverages. These are packed in both aseptic and preserved forms. Our personnel have collectively spent many years in both the fruit and flavour industries and are therefore able to offer support in a wide range of areas within the food industry. Our modus operandi revolves around our technical experience. The combination of experience and technical expertise in both the fruit juice and flavour industries enables Pacmar to offer a specialised service to the industry.

Recent Activity

September 13

Sune Samuels @PACMAR posted the photos: 5621_pacmar_01, 5621_pacmar_04, 5621_pacmar_03 (Places)

8 years ago

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c/o Oudebrug & OudePont Street, Industrial Park
Wellington Western Cape 7655
+021 873 3101