Perdeberg Winery

  • Vryguns Farm, Windmeul
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7624
  • +27(0)21 869 8244/ 8112

Who are we?

Located in Paarl in the heart of the Boland of the Western Cape, Perdeberg Winery enjoys one of the finest wine-growing regions of the Cape. Our winery lies at the foot of the magnificent Paardeberg Mountain, named after the scores of Cape Mountain Zebra that once roamed this beautiful mountainside. The composition of our vineyards significantly contributes to the quality of our wines. Our vineyards cover multiple microclimates and 75% are un-irrigated, whilst 50% are un-trellised, yielding a very low average of 7.8 tons per hectare. These dry land bush vines create far better fruit concentration than vines subjected to unnatural vineyard practices, like irrigation. The structure and complexity in these smaller berries bring intense colour, added body and passionate flavours. At Perdeberg Winery, we prefer to set trends rather than follow them and we never compromise the exceptional quality of our wines.

Recent Activity

February 16

Lorenzo Samuels @Perdeberg Winery posted the photos: IMG_20161027_173426, IMG_20161027_173636 (Perdeberg Winery)

8 years ago

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Vryguns Farm, Windmeul
Paarl Western Cape 7624
+27(0)21 869 8244/ 8112