Petra Institute for Children's Ministry

  • N1 Highway, Old Jail
  • De Doorns, Western Cape
  • 6875
  • +27 23 356 3140

Who are we?

Now established in what use to be the old jail of the village De Doorns, the purpose of Petra Institute for Children Ministries is to break bondages by assisting and training. Their training in children's ministry empowers ordinary adults to show the way and minister to children in way that will see them grow in the faith from a young age. Situated in the beautiful Hexvalley, 130 km north from Cape Town, our mission and dream is to see adults and children grow together in the Christian faith. Petra College is currently run by a group of volunteers and most of our much needed funds are raised through donations. For a list of our most pressing current needs, have a look at the priority needs page.

Recent Activity

September 14

Melanie Esterhuyse @Petra Institute for Children's Ministry posted the photos: IMG-20180914-WA0008 (2), IMG-20180914-WA0009 (2), IMG-20180914-WA0007, IMG-20180914-WA0017, IMG-20180914-WA0005 (2), IMG-20180914-WA0012 (2), IMG-20180914-WA0016, IMG-20180914-WA0010 (2), IMG-20180914-WA0011 (2) (Petra Institute for Children's Ministry)

6 years ago

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N1 Highway, Old Jail
De Doorns Western Cape 6875
+27 23 356 3140