Polo Club Restaurant at Val de Vie Estate

Food & Dining
  • Val de Vie Polo Estate, Jan van Riebeeck Drive
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)21 863 6174

Who are we?

The Polo Club Restaurant has something to offer everyone. The terraces are the perfect place to entertain guests or enjoy a relaxing family lunch. Young ones can play while parents are free to take in the laidback atmosphere. Every evening patrons can experience fine dining, while Sunday lunch is a delightfully sumptuous meal.

Recent Activity

January 11

November 13

Lorenzo Samuels @Polo Club Restaurant at Val de Vie scheduled Absa Cape Epic 2018

7 years ago

February 20

Lorenzo Samuels @Polo Club Restaurant at Val de Vie posted the photos: Polo House Viewjpg, _MG_0358, _MG_0323 (Polo Club at Val de Vie)

8 years ago

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Val de Vie Polo Estate, Jan van Riebeeck Drive
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+27(0)21 863 6174