Pure Boland Market / Groenstoor

Food Markets
  • Groenstoor, Brandwacht, Worcester, South Africa
  • Worcester, WC
  • 6850
  • +023 342 3538

Who are we?

The words “green shed” will mean more or less the same thing everywhere in the world. Except in Worcester. Here locals know it means a morning to remember that comes around every four weeks or so. On the first Saturday of every month except January, the green shed in Brandwacht (a beautiful mountain-lined nook just outside of town) becomes a hive of enjoyment. The Pure Boland Market brings together about 45 producers and entrepreneurs who sell their creations to those who love local and the delightful blend of humble hospitality and pro-level product. The Groenstoor (the Afrikaans word for green shed, which has become a standard word in the local vocabulary) is enjoyed by thousands each year. They know that the market, still flying after the very first day in 2009, will not disappoint.

Recent Activity

March 16

Barbara Janse van Rensburg @Pure Boland Market / Groenstoor posted a photo: April 2017 (Events)

7 years ago

Barbara Janse van Rensburg @Pure Boland Market / Groenstoor posted the photos: 001groenstoor, 002groenstoor, groenstoor wanda 3 (Something Interesting)

7 years ago

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Groenstoor, Brandwacht, Worcester, South Africa
Worcester WC 6850
+023 342 3538