The Restaurant at Le Bonheur

Food & Dining
  • Babylonstoren Road, R45
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)21 863 1142

Who are we?

Linger in the pizzeria ( wood-fired pizzas made the Italian way ), which overlooks a beautiful waterfront garden featuring many safe play areas for children. Sample our famous home made croc pies, or enjoy a pre booked picnic basket on our lawns (free fishing benefit linked to pre booked picnic baskets).

Recent Activity

February 20

Lorenzo Samuels @Rapa Nui at Le Bonheur posted the photos: Le Bonheur_2016_30, Le Bonheur_restaurant, Le Bonheur_Pizzeria (Rapa Nui at Le Bonheur)

8 years ago

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Babylonstoren Road, R45
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+27(0)21 863 1142