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  • 28 Sylvia St, Cloetesville
  • Stellenbosch , Western Cape
  • 7600
  • +072-4293011

Who are we?

he adventure begins with a visit to our Nature reserve’s Eco centre. Gain insight into some of the species occurring in the area and encounter some living snakes on display. Collect some aromatic herbs. Move in silent comfort and admire the landscape and majestic surrounding mountains. Spot some birds and bugs and become a citizen scientist by recording what you see. Uncover the beauty and variety of our unique local flowers and vegetation. Sit or stand on your powerboard as it transports you on a Sidewalk Safari. Depart from the local train station and travel to a Mountain wine cellar. Enjoy a selection of premium wines and a fascinating tour of the mountain cellar. Pass by some vines and interesting wine making relics and discover more about the present through the past. Stride into town surrounded by historic architecture.

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28 Sylvia St, Cloetesville
Stellenbosch Western Cape 7600