Readers Restaurant

Food & Dining
  • 12 Church Street
  • Tulbagh, Western Cape
  • 6820
  • +27 23 230 0087

Who are we?

Offering simple, yet outstanding local and global cuisine, Reader’s has been able to maintain a standard of excellence that has created a notable reputation with both locals and tourists

Recent Activity

March 18

Chayan Singh @Readers Restaurant contributed to the wiki Menus

3 years ago

November 20

Carol Collins @Readers Restaurant posted the photos: 012 (3), Filletandfigs, E cat copy, 105, 041, collage, 106, Stuffed mushrooms, reception copy, 034, readers house (1), 027, Readers dining room, Garden&Home4, pic 5, Lambrack, Icecreamtrio, ice carol (Readers Restaurant)

8 years ago

Business Information

  • Owner: Carol Collins
  • Year Established: 1,997
  • Wine maker: Caterer
  • Varietals: Wine list is a selection of local wines
  • Wines: all
  • Awards: Trip advisor service excellence and Rasa Rosette award
  • Tasting room hours: Wednesday to Monday - 9am - 9.30pm
  • Restaurant: Restaurant and caterer, private functions, food and wine pairings, picnics

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12 Church Street
Tulbagh Western Cape 6820
+27 23 230 0087