Rhebokskloof Wine Estate

  • 8 Wine Route, Windmeul, Agter-Paarl Road
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +021 869 8386

Who are we?

Experience true Winelands hospitality at Rhebokskloof Wine Estate. Taste the unique terroir of our secret valley from which springs our celebrated and internationally awarded wines. Let us take you on a journey of discovery with different interpretations of our signature varietals Shiraz and Chardonnay, lovingly crafted by visionary winemaker Rolanie Lotz. Experience the fusion of South African recipes and French culinary traditions. Ride our singularly spectacular mountain bike trails, take a horseback ride, or come and relax at Vivi Day Spa. Or simply bring your family for a picnic and spend the day with us.

Recent Activity

January 08

Lorenzo Samuels @Rhebokskloof Wine Estate scheduled Open Air Movie: Vir Altyd

7 years ago

Lorenzo Samuels @Rhebokskloof Wine Estate scheduled Hero Adventure Night Series

7 years ago

December 29

Lorenzo Samuels @Rhebokskloof Wine Estate scheduled Travel Workshop

7 years ago

November 15

Lorenzo Samuels @Rhebokskloof Wine Estate scheduled Hero Time Trail at Rhebokskloof

7 years ago

February 16

Lorenzo Samuels @Rhebokskloof Wine Estate posted the photos: Rhebokskloof2, Proelokaal 2, Rhebokskloof (Rhebokskloof Wine Estate)

8 years ago

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8 Wine Route, Windmeul, Agter-Paarl Road
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+021 869 8386