Roggeland Country House Restaurant

Food & Dining
  • Kleinbosch Road
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +074 134 3305

Who are we?

Our fully Halaal Roggeland restaurant Chef Doreya Moerat , attracts hundreds of local and foreign guests on a weekly basis to enjoy an outdoor buffet or A La Carte meals served under Roggeland picturesque trees to the purple blue Klein Drakenstein mountains.

Recent Activity

February 20

Lorenzo Samuels @Roggeland Country House Restaurant posted the photos: Roggeland Country House Paarl DH 0452, Roggeland Country House Paarl DH 0601, Roggeland Country House Paarl DH 0505 (Roggeland Country House Restaurant)

8 years ago

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Kleinbosch Road
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+074 134 3305