Route 62 Brewing Company

Business Services
  • 18 Church Street
  • Montagu, Western Province
  • 6720
  • +082 452 4835

Who are we?

The original building dates back to 1888 as the original post office and during the Boer war this same building was commandeerd to be used as the headquarters for the British troops. In 1918 the building became a private residence and much later was also the home of well-known Esther Hofmeyer. This building remained a private residence until 2016, but now boasts the most gorgeous Artisan Beer Brewery, boldly marked with a big red post box in front. The “official” opening (even though many happy customers already tried the new beers since mid September) was on 21 October 2017, an “open day” for those who have not tried these delicious brews before and those who did, but wanted a second or third try. As Jon Hughes, Brewmaster, said: “The day was a big success with more than 60 people through our doors and all great feedback about the food and beer.”

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18 Church Street
Montagu Western Province 6720
+082 452 4835